Lavender Essential Oil
100 % pure and natural
Lavandula hybrida
Lavender essential oil is used to treat anxiety, fatigue, stress and avoid insomnia. Lavender essential oil works as an analgesic and is highly recommended after sport to soothe muscle pain, body aches, and cramps. It is also believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal minor burns and bug bites. Lavender is possibly effective for treating hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata.
You can benefit from the properties of Lavender essential oil by using Rēs aromatherapy soaps. However, if you wish to make direct use of the essential oil, dilute a few drops of Lavender essential oil in a neutral carrier oil (e.g. sweet almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil) and massage the solar plexus, the neck, and the left wrist in the morning and/or during the day.
Scots Pine Essential Oil
100 % pure and natural
Pinus Sylvestris
Scots Pine essential oil is known for its anti-fatigue and antiseptic respiratory properties. Tonic and powerful, it stimulates vital energy and acts on physical and nervous weariness, as well as cases of fatigue. Scots Pine essential oil cleanses the airways whether through diffused or localized massage.
You can benefit from the properties of scots pine essential oil by using Rēs aromatherapy soaps. However, if you wish to make direct use of the essential oil, dilute a few drops of Scots Pine essential oil in a neutral carrier oil (e.g. sweet almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil) and massage the lower back, soles of the feet or left wrist.
Not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy
Not recommended for people with a risk of epilepsy
Keep out of reach of children
This information is given for informative purposes only; they do not in any way constitute medical information or engage our responsibility.